What does Ayurveda say ?
According to Ayurveda, the root cause for Swasa roga (Asthma) does not lie in the respiratory system, it actually lies in the digestive system. It may seem quite strange at first sight, but the following detailed analysis of the disease will give us a clear picture about the disease.
To be more specific, there are two kinds of nidana (causative factors) for the disease, namely,
1. Viprakrushta (Remote cause)
2. Sannikrushta (Immediate cause)
The Viprakrushta nidana lies chiefly in the digestive system, while the Sannikrushta nidana lies in the respiratory system.
¨ Any food item that we consume needs to digested and metabolized properly by our body.
¨ When the food happens to be improperly digested due to reasons such as heavy or untimely food, their metabolism is also affected resulting in more amount of toxins.
¨ This defect does not produce any serious disease immediately, but when this defect is allowed to progress over a period of time, there will be an accumulation of Ama (toxins) in the body.
¨ In an effort to expel these unwanted toxins, our body’s defense systems become hyperactive through inflammation and excess mucus secretions of the respective sites.
¨ This hyper responsiveness can also be facilitated through genetic factors if the systemic overload of Ama (toxins) is present for a longer duration.
¨ This is the basic underlying mechanism is considered as the Viprakrushta nidana (remote cause) and now commonly referred as the predisposing factor for asthma.
¨ This state of hyper responsiveness would actually be present all through the body and its effect is more pronounced in the respiratory system due to long standing exposure to environmental pollutants and allergens.
From the point of Sannikrushta nidana (Immediate cause) which is now commonly referred as triggering factors of asthma, the following mechanism is responsible.
¨ Swasa roga occurs when the vitiated Kapha dosha obstructs the normal movement of Vata dosha.
¨ This obstructed Vata dosha now attains Vishama gati (erratic movement) and localizes especially in the Prana Vaha Srotas (Respiratory system) due certain favorable predisposing factors.
¨ The Vitiation of Kapha and Vata dosha occurs chiefly due to etiological factors dominant in Sheeta guna (Coldness) such as exposure to cold breeze, consuming cold drinks and cloudy sky.
¨ Food items that are Ruksha (Dry), Guru (Heavy to digest) and Abhisyandi (Kapha aggravating), exposure to irritants, smoke and dust the common causes of the disease.
¨ Excessive physical exercises, emotional stress, suppression of natural urges and certain other diseases also serve as contributing factors to trigger asthma.
It is important to note that, the two defects (Predisposing and Triggering factors) need to conjoin together to manifest the disease. Neither one of them, separately may not be capable enough to produce the disease.
We do observe many people who do not suffer from asthma, despite being exposed to pollution and allergens. It is due to the simple reason that the Viprakrushta nidanas (Predisposing factors) are absent in them and hence the Sannikrustha nidana (Triggering factors) alone is not capable enough to produce the disease. |